Rounding up the foundational elements to cultivate a successful brand tip series, today we are discussing why your website presence matters.
Why Your Website Presence Matters

Your website presence helps to reinforce your brand
Cultivating a strong website presence helps to reinforce your brand. Implementing a strong website increases credibility and encourages potential clients or customers to take you seriously. A website will allow you to professionally market yourself. Using a platform like Showit will allow you to easily set your brand colors and fonts sitewide. This makes updating your website and maintaining brand consistency an absolute breeze.
Having a strong website helps you become more accessible
To grow a following and gain clients and customers, you must be accessible. In this digital age, your potential clients and customers are most likely going to search for a need that you can provide them – so be ready and available. Because most of the world is on their phones, your website needs to be just as impressive if not more on mobile devices. Be sure to check your website on mobile devices.
Lastly, your website showcases what you do
A strong website is a great place to showcase what you do! Include your portfolio, pricing, client testimonials, or personal information about yourself. Show your dream clients that you can help be their solution and problem solver. Providing concise but important information about you and your business on your home page is SO important. Use call to action items on the home page of your website to engage visitors into your website.