the meaning behind the name


a creative fusion of 'love' and 'endear,' symbolizing my commitment to infuse each project with love, endearing the dreamiest of clients

When starting my business in the fall of 2019, it was important for me to come up with a name that was unique and not just my personal name. My desire is to cultivate a seamless client experience that fosters deep connection and lasting friendships

the girl behind the screen

Hi, friend! I'm AnneMarie and here's a glimpse into my story

fervent lover of Jesus, long time collector of office supplies, artist, plant obsessed, dog mom

I hail from a lineage of creatives and entrepreneurs. My father, in tandem with his father and two brothers, ran a cartography business, where they meticulously hand-carved intricate maps of the serene lakes nestled in the Southeastern United States. I spent many summers lending a hand in their dimly lit darkroom, intently watching as they honed their artistry.

Growing up, I would spend hours on Microsoft paint or with my countless art supplies crafting masterpieces. I went on to obtaining a studio art degree from Georgia College & State University where I concentrated in painting, printmaking, and fiber arts. I graduated right after exhibiting in my senior show where I commissioned a 15' piece made up of raw canvas, acrylic, and hand-stitched textiles. 

Immediately after graduation, I joined a small design studio, where I honed my skills in graphic design and developed a passion for brand and website design. Over the course of four years, I gained valuable design experience, and this journey led me to take the next step. That's when Lovendear began.

core values













let's shape your vision together!

I'd love nothing more than to get to know you and your business to make a plan for your brand visuals. Apply at the link below to hop on a call and see if we'd make a good team.