As discussed previously, are three foundational elements to cultivate a successful brand including brand voice, visual brand, and your website presence. Defining your brand voice is an important part of building your business. There’s SO much to say about this topic, but I have narrowed it down to four tips to help define your brand voice.

Four Tips to Help Define Your Brand Voice

My custom branding process includes an in-depth brand discovery questionnaire and brand discovery document. These two components combined with a few detailed phone calls helps to set the stage when planning your brand strategy. The brand discovery document breaks down your business, competitors, and target audience. Read more about my brand design process here.

Define Your Brand Voice

01. Your Mission

The mission of your business is the heart behind your brand. it is important to establish your core beliefs when writing your mission statement, to help develop your mission, answer the questions – why does my business exist? and what are we trying to accomplish?

02. Your Vision

The vision of your brand are the ideas behind your business that motivate you and give you a clear direction into growing and moving forward. Having a clear vision will allow you to adapt as the future changes and develops.

03. Consider Your Audience

When developing your mission and vision, it is important to consider your audience.your brand voice seeps into every area of your business, keep in mind that you must be clear and strong in your delivery.

04. Stay Consistent

One of the most important aspects of developing your brand voice is to stay consistent. Whether you are responding to an email, writing an Instagram caption, or your website copy, it is crucial to maintain your brand voice.

Discovering your brand voice and writing the copy for your website and social media can become overwhelming. I recommend hiring someone who specializes in copywriting and SEO like my friend Lauren at Salted Pages! She helped me completely transform the copy on my website and optimize for SEO. Definitely worth the investment!