Custom website design is an important decision for your business. There are many factors that make a strong, successful site including custom brand design, photography, strategy, and of course, design. Arguably one of the most important components is website copywriting.

Why Website Copywriting is Important

Why Website Copywriting is Important

Gathering and preparing content for your website is one of the most difficult parts of website design. Now, I totally understand every designer is different. I have found the most success in custom website strategy and design with copy in place prior. I personally prefer to build website strategy from copy as well as my extensive brand discovery questionnaire. This questionnaire includes many detailed and thought-provoking questions. Some, you may not have thought about before.

You might find yourself overwhelmed at where to start with your website copy. There is nothing wrong with outsourcing in your business. If you have the freedom, investing in professional copywriting is incredibly beneficial. This allows you to leave it to the professionals, and get back to what you love doing most. Oftentimes, you will find much more freedom hiring out, especially with copywriting! However, if you’re a strong writer and feel that you understand your business and how to create converting copy, by all means have at it! Ultimately, make the decision that is best for you and your business!

Here are just a few reasons why website copywriting is important and how it helps strengthen your website.

  • Sets a Strong Foundation – Intentionally writing website copy sets the tone for your website as a whole. Establishing strong verbiage helps support your values and goals as a business. Use encouraging and engaging words to keep visitors engaged and eager to learn more about you and what you offer.
  • Speeds up the Timeline – Completing your website copy before the strategy, design, and development phase alleviates an endless back and forth process.
  • Boosts SEO – Firmly established website copy is incredibly important to the success of your website ranking on Google. When writing content for your website, do your best to include searchable keywords and phrases. This will make it easier to drive more visitors to your website.
  • Increases Conversions – Thought out website copy should speak to your ideal client. If you work hard to market yourself and drive traffic to your website, don’t let it end there!
  • Bolsters the Design – The design and copy are more effective when you can design with it instead of guessing. Establishing your website copy prior will reinforce the website strategy, design, and development. Writing website copy after designing is like trying to fit a puzzle piece where it doesn’t go.

Writing is something I do enjoy and believe to be good at. I find no problem with creating fun, interesting content. However, I always found myself at a dead-end when attempting to create copy that would truly convert. Hiring a professional to help write engaging, converting content leveled up my website and increased bookings. Lauren at Salted Pages has an incredibly helpful blog post about how to hire the right website copywriter for your brand that I totally recommend reading!