Today I will be sharing the tools I use to enhance my social media presence and make running Lovendear a little easier. Let’s be honest, being a business owner is a major challenge. The last thing we need is to be spending hours on end planning the perfect social media feed.

This is why I am happy to share some of the tools I use to enhance my social media presence!

Tools I Use to Enhance My Social Media Presence


I could NOT live without Planoly. This app has been a game-changer for my business! Being able to schedule out social weeks or months in advance improves my time management and increases productivity. Upload images and graphics to visually plan out your feed.

Drag and drop your uploaded images in the order you want them to appear. In addition, write your captions right in the app itself. One of my favorite features of Planoly is the ability to add in the first comment. Your first comment on your Instagram posts is a great place to put hashtags to grow your reach. Schedule your social media to post automatically, that way you don’t have to keep up with sharing daily!


As we have all come to realize, Pinterest is a great marketing tool for small creative businesses. Showing up consistently is key to converting viewers to paying clients. Doing so can be pretty overwhelming and time-consuming which is why I have Tailwind in my back pocket to help get my work out there without spending countless hours preparing Pin-worthy content!

Moyo Studio

Mockups and beautiful imagery are vital to display my portfolio via social media, which is why I rely on Moyo. I COULD shoot my own photos for social media and my website, but why add another task to my plate? I love not only utilizing other resources but supporting other small business owners in the process.

Moyo serves a wide-variety of businesses by providing multiple styles of imagery and mockups. Whatever type of business you have, I can just about guarantee they’ve got you covered!

Hashtag generator

As annoying as they are, hashtags can help grow your reach on Instagram. For Display Purposes Only has been incredibly helpful for gathering hashtags for Instagram posts. Simply search relevant hashtags for your industry, to gather even more, growing your reach!

Above all, find apps and programs that help you run your business more efficiently. Curate the formula for your biz that helps you get back to doing more of what you love!

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